Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Final Product

My final product is a family tree and a power point to help present the tree. I am going to take a large poster board and use pictures and information to construct the tree. In my PowerPoint I am going to feature important ancestors to help me walk through the family tree with the class. I have my family tree constructed on the Internet, so now all I have to do it print out the pictures and reconstruct the tree on my final poster board. Then, I will put together my power point with some interesting stories and facts about some of my ancestors that I was able to collect a lot of information on. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3 Blog Assignment

My topic for my wonder project has gotten less interesting. I knew prior to beginning my project that I was related to the second president by marriage and the sixth by blood, but I figured I would discover some cousins I could get to know or more ancestors that were important to American history. I was wrong. I have finished most of my dad’s side of the family tree and now I am beginning my mothers and everyone in my family is a farmer. I have learned that to trace people back as far as I want to I need to get out and talk to my family more than just search the internet, and I have also learned that I should have begun my research sooner because there is a lot to genealogy. I have learned techniques to find a family tree and also more about my ancestors, John Adams and John Quincy Adams, but there isn’t much more to learn. I have learned that my family began in Utah and have moved south through Louisiana to now we are in Gulfport. I have read more in my book to page 90 and it has a lot of good tips and links to help me progress in my research. The hardest thing about this project is getting back into the time before internet. For recent people in my family I can use Facebook and other websites, but past that it take detective work to find the people. Another hard thing about this project is finding sufficient articles about my ancestors. I only have two that have things written about them so my entire research paper will have to be about those two people. I plan to mention some others in my family but just information I have found because there aren’t articles written about them so  they could not be included in my bibliography. I don’t really have any questions about the project because I think I understand what I have to do for the most part.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Feb. 24

Secrets of Tracing Your Ancestors, by, Daniel Quillen has 262 pages. I chose this book because the reviews made it seem as though it would have a lot of very helpful information and resources I could use to build my family tree. I am on page 40 of the book and it has given me a lot of tips. The book is basically a list of websites and ideas of where to find helpful information. 

The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to give credit where credit is due. You have to tell everyone where you are getting your information from so you do not plagiarize any of your work. Plagiarizing is illegal and can get you in trouble, and a bibliography prevents it from happening. Also, it organizes your information so you can keep track of what came from where and who wrote it. You have to cite your sources to remember where all of your information came from. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lee Family Tree

For my Wonder Project I am going to build my family tree. I am going to go back as far as I can with my ancestors and learn about the people who got me where I am now. I find it really interesting that I have possible cousins that I don't know of and ancestors who could be famous or could have made a big impact on American history. My final project will be an actual family tree with photos and facts about the people in my family. I will read the book Secrets of Tracing Your Ancestors by, Daniel Quillen to help me trace my family history.