Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lee Family Tree

For my Wonder Project I am going to build my family tree. I am going to go back as far as I can with my ancestors and learn about the people who got me where I am now. I find it really interesting that I have possible cousins that I don't know of and ancestors who could be famous or could have made a big impact on American history. My final project will be an actual family tree with photos and facts about the people in my family. I will read the book Secrets of Tracing Your Ancestors by, Daniel Quillen to help me trace my family history.

1 comment:

  1. Has someone in your family already completed a tree? How are you going to do an academic style research paper? Every step of the way you will have to prove to me that you are the one working on this. Have you gotten your book yet? What kind of book will you get? Be sure to work hard during Wonder Work days in class to show me your effort.
